Päikese holiday house is located in West Saaremaa Island – a place with truly rich and untouched nature. The population density here is very low – in whole Saaremaa it is 13,8 person per km2 , in West Saaremaa it is substantially less. The historical atmosphere of Saaremaa Island that is preserved here can be felt at every step. You can see old stone fences, traditional farm houses, old mills and a lot more. Stone fences can be considered one of the best known features of the island. Saaremaa has retained its uniqueness due to its location and isolation. Local families breed sheep and cattle, also organic farming, handicraft is very common. Fishing has always played an important role here being a significant source of food.
Nature here is truly rich and diverse in fauna. There are many rarities among the plants that grow on the juniper-covered heritage landscapes and forests – over 30 species of orchids, as well as an endemic species of rattle (Rhinanthus osiliensis) and ivy (Hedera helix), for which this is the northernmost limit of its range. The Viidumäe Nature Reserve which is considered to be like natural botanical garden is only 16,4 km away from Päikese holiday house.
Vilsandi National Park is rich in seabirds, it is the Vaika Special Protection Area of Birds the first SPA in the Baltic countries and one of the oldest in Europe. Among others you will find the Common Eider (Somateria mollissima), the Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis), the White-Tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) and the Turnstone (Arenaria). The rare Steller’s Eider (Polysticta stelleri) also winters here. This is a perfect place for people who love bird watching.
One of the largest resting sites of grey seals in Estonia is located here near Soeginina cliff (about 15 km from holiday house), and thousands of waterfowl winter or stop here.
Please see more info from the website http://www.saaremaanaturetourism.eu
You may discover neighborhood of Päikese holiday house by walking or by bicycling.
Vana kiviaed
Kihelkonna kirik
Talvine kalapüük
Elda pankrannikul